2019 Event Report
Our Inaugural event was such a great success. 1200 spectators attended the event. Around $5000 profit was raised to invest in projects at the school. The event included: Bull Ride, Saddle Bronc, Bare Back, Novice Saddle, Novice Bull ride, Junior Bull Ride, Steer Ride, Poddy Ride, and Barrel races. It was a fully sanction NRA point score rodeo hosted on the Mary Valley Show Grounds.
Honky Tonk Rodeo Promotions were great partners to work with in the delivery of the event.
Thanks to our amazing sponsors who made this event possible: Allied Rural, Amamoor Mechanical, Cooroy Dental Surgery, Cooloola Milk, Best Security, Imbil Country Cabins, CSD Scaffolding, Earthland Group, Gympie Home Brewing Supplies, Hinterland Accounting, Imbil Camping Retreat, Imbil Pharmacy, Kandanga Country Meats, Karrabee Bus & Coach, Russ Munro Registered Builder, The Price Farm, The Railway Hotel, Mary Valley Traders & the Rattler Cafe.
Finally a mighty big thankyou to our volunteers. There were over 40 volunteers from the Mary Valley State College P&C and the Imbil Community that worked tirelessly to make this event such a great success.
2019 Results (Inaugural Event)